Sunday, March 29, 2009

Yay God :)

So tonight, I had to end up canceling small group becuase only one girl was coming. Which was kind of a bummer. But, instead, I had the chance to go to a worship service at the Mission Baltimore, where Eddie James and his ministry were leading the worship.

When I got there, I went to take out my bible to put it on my seat and realized I didnt have my keys. So I go outside, and there they are....still in my ignition! Yup. I locked my keys in the car. Oh man I was bummed. For some reason, when I do stuff like that, I tend to think my parents are gonna be mad at me or something. Especially since the area where the center is isnt exactly the greatest and they already are worried for my safety. And then I go and lock my keys in my car. I kinda get mad at myself and feel irresponsible, and then it kinda puts me on edge. No idea why.
So I came home and was thinking about it. And God totally was like, "take a chill pill! Stuff like that happens. NO WORRIES!" I need to remember that more often...and not take myself so seriously.

So my parents did come and unlock the car and I got my keys :) and, of course, contrary to my worries, they werent even the tiniest bit upset. Not even annoyed. Stupid, silly worry!

ANYWAY. So service.
One of the themes I guess you could say of the night was just freedom and healing from things that keep you away from where God's calling you, that keep you from living that abundant life He gives. It was such a huge blessing to be there to see lives being touched and changed and transformed. Prayer is truly a powerful thing!
And, through seeing that, He reminded me of the some of things He's freed me from, the chains He's broken. Reminded me of His love. Reminded me of the freedom He's given me.
Remembering all of those things has a way of restoring your focus, and making you realize God's really truly got you in His hands and loves you beyond comprehension.
It kinda captures your heart all over again, to worship and adore him and live for Him all the more.
Yay God!!!!!!

Overall, it was just absolutely wonderful just to be in a place where everyone shared that heart to worship Him, know Him, seek Him...go deeper with Him.
And, just to be in God's presence in the first place. That alone, is more than enough.

It really makes me want to go to heaven!
and love Him with everything <3

But yea. I just wanted to share that :)


  1. I hate when I do something so silly like that. Sometimes you just have to wonder where your head is at. Like the time I almost left Tess in my car when I was heading into church. How could I forget about her? =)

    Glad you had a great time last night.

  2. so yo make me smile....a whole lot. I LOVE YOU!
